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All about me


    As a Beach Tour Guide, I was lucky enough to turn my passion for travel into work, sharing incredible experiences with many people in my successful career, so I decided  create TUR TOP TOURS agency and shows a bit of my world to you.

     I am also privileged to have guided clients from all over the world on local tours. My mission is to show clients a different side of the world and help them get as much information as possible about the places and destinations we visit.

    If you'd like to visit with me, get in touch so I can start creating the perfect itinerary for you.

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 Para reservar os passeios via WHATSAPP pedimos 50% do valor do orçamento via PIX; BOLETO OU LINK DE PAGAMENTO com acréscimo da maquineta.

📍 OBS: Comprando pelo WhatsApp através do LINK DE PAGAMENTO é obrigatório enviar foto da frente do CARTÃO, RG ou CNH do responsável do cartão, VOUCHER vai ser gerado no nome do responsável pelo cartão.

O restante do orçamento é pago no primeiro dia do passeio. Podendo ser pago via Pix, Dinheiro ou link de pagamento porém tem a taxa da maquineta.


Av. Emanoel Gomes da Silva,316 - sl 07

Nossa Senhora do ó - Ipojuca -PE

CNPJ: 41.053.924/0001-33

Tel: (82) 98756-3818

© 2020

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  • topturpasseios

Obrigado pelo envio!

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